Why train in Geriatric Medicine?

Geriatric medicine is the branch of internal medicine dealing with the medical management and care of older people. Geriatric medicine has become a major branch of medicine, because of the demographic shifts leading to increasing numbers of older people, associated with an increased prevalence of chronic illness. The world population of older people has been growing at the rate of 2.8% per year. All medical practitioners are finding that an increasing proportion of their patients are older and look to geriatricians for expert advice and opinion.

In Australia, and world wide, there are increasing numbers of specialist positions in geriatric medicine. At present we have 221 advanced trainees in geriatric medicine and at the end of their training, jobs will be waiting for them!

Geriatric medicine is very satisfying and rewarding. It combines intellectual challenge, good medicine and team work. It brings together acute and chronic care as well as hospital and ambulatory medicine. Rehabilitation is also a major focus. Opportunities for research and teaching are considerable.

So if you are looking for a rewarding career with job satisfaction and opportunities for the future, geriatric medicine is your sub-specialty.

 Adobe PDF Document ANZSGM Poster   Why Geriatric Medicine?


Advanced Training in Geriatric Medicine

Advanced Training is provided by the Royal Australasian College of Physicians.

Geriatric Medicine - Advanced Training Curriculum:    this Curriculum outlines the broad concepts, related learning objectives and the associated theoretical knowledge, skills and attitudes required, and commonly utilised by geriatric medicine physicians within Australia and New Zealand.

Professional Qualities Curriculum - this Curriculum outlines the range of concepts and specific learning objectives required by, and utilised by, all Physicians, regardless of their specialty or area of expertise. It spans both the Basic and Advanced Training Programmes and is also utilised as a key component of the Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Program.

Geriatric Medicine Training Requirements - PREP Advanced Trainees: PREP Advanced Trainees are classified as those who commenced Advanced Training in Geriatric Medicine in 2011 or later. 
Trainees should refer to the 2016 PREP Program Requirement Handbook


Advanced Training Projects

Advanced Trainees should refer to the PREP Program Requirement Handbook for Geriatric Medicine http://handbooks.racp.edu.au/#/geriatric-medicine/2015/summary/0   for their research project requirements  (7/1/2016)

Academic Honesty and Plagiarism Policy

Revision of Project Guidelines in 2017


ANZSGM Orientation Handbook for Advanced Trainees in Geriatric Medicine

Finding a position in advanced Training / Where to do training

Training Positions

There are currently 46 sites in Australia where advanced training in geriatric medicine is carried out. Descriptions of the advanced training programs available at a number of these sites can be accessed by clicking on the map below.

If you have any questions please contact geriatrics@racp.edu.au


VIC NSW ACT QLD SA WA New Zealand Tasmania


Site Accreditation


Training sites must apply to the RACP to have their site accredited. Further information can be found at the RACP  Getting a training site accredited web page.

Sites requesting an increase of existing Advanced Trainee numbers, or sites requiring reassessment after five years of accreditation:

  1. Site reviews the Geriatric Medicine Site Accreditation Criteria  
  2. Site completes the RACP Geriatric Medicine Site Accreditation Survey
  3. Site emails the completed survey to the Geriatric Medicine Education Officer: Geriatrics@racp.edu.au
  4. Based on the information contained in the survey, conditional accreditation may be granted until a site visit can be performed.
  5. Two members of the ATC organise to visit the site. Their report and recommendations are forwarded for consideration by the ATC.
  6. The ATC determine the site's accreditation status based on the report and recommendations.
  7. Accreditation is reviewed at five year intervals.  


Upcoming Events for Trainees

Resources from previous Trainee Education Weekends

Reports can be viewed in the Members only section under the Trainees


Report on October 2007 Canberra  Trainee Weekend 

Report on April 2006 Melbourne Trainee Weekend

Report on September 2005 Sydney Trainee Weekend

Report on April 2005 Melbourne Trainee Weekend

Report on September 2004 Sydney Trainee Weekend


Updated:  23/10/2018